Last updated:4/4/2022


This page includes all the contact information from the active restaurant.

The contact information is spread in two lists: Internal and External contacts. Internal contacts mainly consists of contact information of the restaurant's staff. External contacts lists everything else e.g. all the contact information from business partners.

Editing contacts


Only administrators and restaurant managers can add and edit contacts.

Clicking the Edit button at the command bar on either contact listing page opens the editing page that lists both the internal and external contacts in one listing.

The Add button at the command bar allows you to register a new contact info. Each contact information requires five values in order to be saved. First of them (a dropdown in the command bar) determines whether the contact is an internal of an external contact. Category determines the subcategory in which the list categorizes the contact. The other three input fields, name, phone number and email address, determine the actual content of the contact info. All input fields are required to fill. Once you're ready click the Submit button at the bottom to save the contact.

The Edit button activates after you've activated one of the existing contacts by clicking the radio button next to its name. The editing panel is identical to the adding panel. All the information boxes are editable except for the listing name. You can't transform an internal contact into an external contact nor vice versa. Once you're done making changes don't forget to save them by clicking the Submit button at the bottom.

To remove a contact, first activate it by clicking the radio button next to it and then click the Remove button.


If you ever wish to retrieve a removed contact, you need to open a support ticket at our support site.